Stay tuned for announcements about
STORM TOURS in 2020 -
Take a Journey Through Tornado Alley this next Spring 2020!
Meet Our Team
Jeff Piotrowski -Emmy Award Winner -
Kathryn PiotrowskiPhotographer/Video Editor
Read their Full Bio's on "OUR TEAM" page...
January 2, 1998 Jeff and Kathryn were busy, single, professionals looking for love. Jeff and Kathryn Piotrowski met on a singles line. In 1998 a singles line was the equivalent of an online dating service however there were no photos, instead you listened to a recorded message. A singles line participant would make a recorded profile and also listen to others recorded profiles. If you found someone interesting, you punched in a security code on the phone dial pad and it was up to fate who would respond. Jeff listened to Kathryn's profile, Kathryn listened to Jeff's and both decided to take a chance. After hours and hours of talking on the phone, for several days, they met at Charleston's Restaurant in Tulsa. ![]() To the delight of both, hours of conversation continued between the well known storm chaser and the lady aircraft mechanic with a passion for photography. Jeff took Kathryn on her 1st Storm Chase in May of 1998 and as a tornado was bearing down on the chase vehicle Kathryn accidentally locked him out of the suv.
19 years later they still laugh about that day. Read their full Bio's on "OUR TEAM" page... |
These Guys know their stuff! Click on Image below to read about the TwisterChasers Team!
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on the Holidays!
On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale DVD JOPLIN Storm Chasing the Joplin EF-5
We are coming up on the 10th Anniversary of this devastating EF-5 Tornado. It was our mission then to give back to the community of Joplin, Missouri with the creation of The Joplin DVD. It is our mission now to once again help Joplin Missouri's Restoration. 100% of the proceeds from every Joplin DVD sold from this website page as of 8/1/2020 to 5/11/2020, 100% of the full proceeds will go toward planting trees in the Joplin and surrounding communities. Specifically to The WildCat Glades Conservation center and Audubon Center. In 2012 with the release of the DVD and your generous support we gave $1000.00 toward planting trees in Joplin, Missouri. We also helped many charitable organizations who were working hard to restore Joplin, Missouri/. We hope to surpass that amount. Thank You for your purchase of this extraordinary DVD.
This is no ordinary DVD. Raw footage of this devastating weather event from start to finish. Jeff and Kathryn Capture the power of an deadly EF-5 at close range and then stop on Iowa street to help people from the rubble. This DVD features stories of the survivors, including a little dog named Eddie who made it out alive. On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale DVD Storm Chasing 2014 - The Year of The Twin Tornadoes
The 5th and Final (for now :) DVD in the Journey Through Tornado Alley Series of DVD(s).
Follow one of the most extraordinary chases on May 11, Mother's Day as Storm Chasers Jeff Piotrowski, Kathryn Piotrowski and Dustin Wilcox of Severe Chase intercept 9 tornadoes. On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale DVD Storm Chasing 2011 - The Year of the EF-5
4th DVD in the Journey Through Tornado Alley Series of DVDs! Featuring 12 OUTRAGEOUS Storm Chases! Jeff and Kathryn alone captured 2 EF-5 Tornadoes just 2 days apart. The first EF-5 was a deadly mile wide EF-5 that tore through the city of Joplin, MO. The second EF-5 was another deadly EF-5 that plowed the Oklahoma landscape near El-Reno Oklahoma. Jeff and Kathryn capture stunning footage as the El-Reno EF-5 hits a gas transfer plant and you see an orange fireball explosion in the center of the tornado. You don't want to miss this extraordinary DVD - Hang on for the ride of your Life!
DVD Storm Chasing the OKC 1999 EF-5
This is the first DVD in the Journey Through Tornado Alley Series of DVDs. The 1999 OKC EF-5 is digitally remastered in 16:9 and follows Storm Chaser Jeff Piotrowski as he captures this EF-5 formation from start to finish.
On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale Holiday Special Limited Edition Deer Trail Colorado Supercell Download
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
THIS DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IS A LIMITED EDITION DOWNLOAD AND SOLD ONLY TO 200 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as a Digital Download. This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Watermark Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section LIMITED EDITION May 24 2016 Tornado Dancing - Digital Download Consumer Print
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
THIS DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IS A LIMITED EDITION DOWNLOAD AND SOLD ONLY TO 200 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as a Digital Download. This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Large Watermark Download will have small 10pt font "TwisterChasers©Jeff Piotrowski in lower right corner Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section Tornado May 25, 2016 - Digital Download
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Watermark on face of print There will be a Digital Signature lower right corner 2016©Jeff Piotrowski This is a copyrighted image. Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section LIMITED EDITION Jeff Piotrowski and Approaching Storm
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
THIS DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IS A LIMITED EDITION DOWNLOAD AND SOLD ONLY TO 200 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as a Digital Download. This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Watermark on print face Digital Signature will be on lower right hand corner of print 2016©Kathryn Piotrowski Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section Tornado Limited Edition Digital Download for Print
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
THIS DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IS A LIMITED EDITION DOWNLOAD AND SOLD ONLY TO 200 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as a Digital Download. This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Watermark on face of print Digital Signature will be on lower right hand corner of print 2016©Jeff Piotrowski Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor SmugMug will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section TORNADO BOWDLE SOUTH DAKOTA EF-4 LIMITED EDITION DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
THIS DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IS A LIMITED EDITION DOWNLOAD AND SOLD ONLY TO 200 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as a Digital Download. This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Watermark Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section Supercell
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free viewable TwisterChasers.Com Watermark on face of print This image is a copyrighted image. ©Kathryn Piotrowski Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. ONLY 1 DOWNLOAD OF IMAGE ALLOWED PER PURCHASE TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section On Sale On Sale On Sale On Sale Limited Edition Deer Trail Colorado Supercell 2010
TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section
THIS DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IS A LIMITED EDITION DOWNLOAD AND SOLD ONLY TO 200 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as a Digital Download. This digital download will print up to 20x30 - Download will be free of TwisterChasers.Com Watermark Buyer agrees to the following by Purchasing this Download: Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download. Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media. There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Neither Content Provider nor TwisterChasers.Com, Inc. will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer\'s use of the Media. TO PURCHASE and DOWNLOAD IMAGES FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS Please visit the Digital Downloads for Publications section |
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